The End of Wonderland is a feature documentary on Tara Emory, a veteran artist who works on her own terms…
Montreal, Canada. One of North America’s last remaining affordable cities is now in the midst of an unprecedented housing crisis.…
Geographies of Solitude is an immersion into the rich ecosystem of Sable Island, guided by naturalist and environmentalist Zoe Lucas…
After avoiding speaking at all cost for over two decades, Joze Piranian, a severe stutterer, decides to confront his fears.…
The award-winning hit dramatic comedy series follows four young women figuring out how to be Mohawk in the 21st century.…
A very human tech doc, The Gig Is Up uncovers the real costs of the platform economy through the lives…
À qui appartient ce gage? (Who owns this pledge?) is a cry for help for women and their children in…
In fall 2017, the MeToo hashtag shook the planet, sparking an unprecedented wave of sexual assault accusations in the Western world.…
The Myth of the Black Woman is a feature-length documentary that investigates the image of black women in society, from…
Documentary on the debates surrounding the La Grande Rivière hydroelectric complex, twenty years after the signing of the James Bay…
Michèle is experiencing the emotions and upheavals inherent in the changes taking place within her during menopause. With a fresh,…
Family happiness often hinges on an unsuspected tragedy: the loss of identity of a woman who now lives only in…
In this documentary, six teenage girls aged 14 to 16 agree to open up, to have their intimate world invaded…
At 16 years old, Nina is helpless with regards to her 4-month-old baby Jessie’s incessant crying. Without any escape from…
Two young sisters – Clara and Sarah Gagnon – have always lived in the countryside with their parents, in a…
In an atmosphere grown suddenly impossible to breathe, a diver and a woman appear to be the only survivors. As…
Ma mère Rachel et ses 40 voisins sont partie prenante d’une communauté hétéroclite et tentent de vivre la coopération malgré…
Absolutely Canadian is a national one-hour series showcasing documentaries and performance programs that tell unique stories from communities across Canada.…
Hot Docs presents Citizen Minutes, a short doc collection highlighting ordinary Canadians doing extraordinary things to make their communities better…
Black Life: Untold Stories is an eight-part documentary series that reframes the rich and complex histories of Black experiences in…
Called to shoot a film in her hometown, Montreal, a director finds inspiration in a mysterious woman, Estelle David, who…
na·nit·ic / adjective: The first brood of worker ants produced by a queen ant using only the reserved nutrition in…
Quatre générations de Montagnaises racontent la vie dans les réserves : des grand-mères ne parlant que montagnais qui ont vécu…
Yelda del Carmen leaves her Cuban homeland for Montreal, where she must rebuild her dance career from scratch. Realizing the…
Le Dep is a psychological drama about Lydia, a young Innu woman who works at her father’s convenience store in…
In a posh private college, three young girls discover love and friendship in dramatic circumstances. Drama shot in the Eastern…
Le jour de ses 16 ans, Catherine reçoit un discman jaune, le livre Moi, Christiane F… et le droit d’aller…
Sofia, 35, sees nothing bright about her future. She’s unemployed despite having a Ph.D. in political philosophy, pregnant and living…
Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking…
Emma is a young conductor and rising star on the Montreal scene. Happy Days chronicles her complex relationship with her…
Fourteen-year old Juliette lives in the country with her father and her older brother. When Juliette was younger, her mother…
Anne Trister is the chronicle of a young woman painter discovering herself, life and its ruptures. Shaken by the loss…
Colette perd son mari dans des circonstances tragiques et se reproche de ne pas avoir été à ses côtés. Sa…
Nina, a young woman with an unpredictable temperament, is taken in by a band of hunters at a remote cabin.…
Today. Northern Quebec at the beginning of winter. Mani, an ambitious lawyer in her 20s, returns to her remote Indigenous…
Mathilde (24 ans), qui est en fugue depuis 8 ans, revient dans la ville de son enfance après des années…
Dans les années 1960 au Québec, Mère Augustine dirige un couvent catholique québécois qui abrite une école de jeunes filles.…
Sisters Marianne and Christine Cyr have been estranged for a year when they learn of the death of their father,…
On December 23, the day before Christmas, the frenzy of the holiday season is everywhere and seizes many… In this…
A dramatic comedy that invites us to the eventful reunion of three high school friends. After a festive and drunken…
«Les personnages féminins qu’il y a dans La Cuisine rouge sont à la fois des mères, des prostituées, des folles…
Camille is 12 years old and has a fondness for the stars that she looks at each night through her…
De Marjo à Louise Forestier, de Nanette à Sylvie Tremblay, de Diane Dufresne à Louise Portal, On fait toutes du…
Exploring at once both the past and the future, Clara, Daniel and François have chosen a different kind of creative…
«Faut marcher dans le bois ma chère, pis penser, s’imaginer qu’il y a quelque chose au pied de cette montagne-là,…
Urgence! Deuxième souffle (Emergency Room! Second Wind) explores the reality of an evening shift in the emergency room of the…
Un documentaire vivant fondé sur les témoignages de vraies victimes d’accidents ou de maladies du travail filmées alors qu’elles sont…
Après avoir brièvement pensé à accrocher ses patins, l’auteur-compositeur-interprète Stephen Faulkner (alias Cassonade) décide de remonter sur scène avec un…
Un bilan troublant des rapports amoureux et économiques entre les hommes et les femmes à la fin des années 1980…
In 1953 the Canadian Government fearing a USA occupation of the Canadian Artic relocated seven Inuit families from Northern Quebec…
Caroline Hayeur and Myléna Bergeron are the first Canadian artists invited by the Duolun MoMA (Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern…
Emily Gan takes us inside her soft-spoken father’s world, with scenes of family life, interviews and poetic visions captured in…
Le premier volet de cette fresque historique trace le portrait nuancé de femmes au long parcours. Ces religieuses révèlent la…
Long métrage documentaire sur Arjuna, un garçon né avec un grave cas de trisomie 21 qui réussit à déjouer les…
Green Dream is an author documentary that contemplates nature’s place within the city. Green Dream is also a film about…
Filmed in 24 hours, St-Henri, The 26th of August brings together some of the most brilliant Quebec documentary filmmakers around this…
Feature documentary exploring the world of junior hockey and its relentless competitiveness. A truer-than-life portrait of a demanding course, where…
After being assaulted by her superior officer, former soldier Stéphanie Raymond fought for 10 years to have charges pressed and…
Documentary from the Rwanda series. The cornerstone of The Rwanda Series, this volume in three parts recounts a horrifying crime…
À Montréal, la spéculation foncière constitue une réalité qui dépasse la fiction. Tandis que des condos se construisent sur les…
Quand le deuil est insurmontable, faut savoir quand couper les ponts.
Lined up in perfect rows like an army, students mindlessly copy the teacher who, herself, is being controlled like a…
Jeune femme célibataire et sans le sou, Sophie choisit, alors que le monde entier semble se liguer contre elle, de…
Hortense est une transposition sonore de la nouvelle La roseraie d’Esther Rochon. Elle raconte un voyage en mer, des mondes…
Have you ever felt the world you live in amplifies the fear and questions that you hold within? Take a…
A summer in the life of a mother and her two children. “Précis of the Everyday” is a tender look…
Les aventures d’un vampire solitaire et immortel dans le Berlin des années 80. Un hommage aux films de Carl Dreyer,…
A letter to Mina after a long period of repressed emotions.
Have you ever dreamed of going to sleep and never wake up? Rémi has. Eight years of insomnia has made…
After killing his partner Dominique, Mathieu tries to escape the consequences of his actions. He soon sinks into madness, the…
Francis, mid-forties, is terminally ill with cancer in the palliative care unit of a hospital in Montreal. His 14 years…
Time has played a intriguing part in the existence of this film, beyond its topic and title. Dormant for 6…
Few people know the name of the eccentric woman living in the centuries-old mansion just outside of town. Even fewer…
This morning, Chantal (60 years old) comes to pick up Susan (92 years old) by car. Susan seems more nervous…
Mohamed is deeply shaken and suspicious when his estranged eldest son Malek returns home from Syria to rural Tunisia with…
In a stray-dog refuge in Morocco, time seems to stand still for the 750 animals waiting to be adopted, their…
The Honourable Juanita Westmoleland-Traoré was the first black person to be appointed to the Court of Quebec in 1999. Discover…
Court métrage documentaire sur la récupération en tout genre. Des objets pour en faire autre chose, de la réalité pour…
Autoportrait réalisé dans le cadre d’une série d’autoportraits des artistes de Vidéo Femmes.
Douze artistes de l’Atelier de l’île de Val-David (centre d’artistes autogéré en arts imprimés), témoignent de leur techniques de gravure…
Le documentaire Opération Père Noël nous fait découvrir l’organisme éponyme qui permet à des enfants défavorisés ou sans famille de…
This short documentary profiles a community engaged in developing sustainable living methods, including food production and small-scale solar and wind…
Without inhibitions or voyeurism, Myriam Fougère films women’s bodies with grace. Young or old, the bodies are beautiful, though far…
This short documentary by celebrated filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin is a portrait of Eugene “Gene Boy” (pronounced Genie Boy) Benedict, from…
Louise Déry développe avec conviction une approche vivante de l’art. Elle se place là où se font l’art et l’histoire,…
Katiana emerges. She finally gets her head above water and speaks up for all Haitian women.
Docu-fiction sur les agressions à caractère sexuel.
The Innu language is being lost. You don’t notice the strength of a loss until you stop and admire it.
Ten years after the Vancouver Olympics, former figure skater Jessica Dubé describes her daily life and opens up about her…
Castle Bravo is an experimental short film about nuclear colonialism through the infamous 1954 US thermonuclear test on the inhabited…
Un film éducatif réalisé en 2010 et destiné aux jeunes de 10 à 14 ans, proposant un regard critique sur…
Série documentaire sur l’art public à travers le Québec et ses artistes et leur démarche. De Marc-Aurèle Fortin à Vaillancourt…
A concise, comedic portrait of a community of Sri Lankan men sharing a distinctive mustache as a common trait. Never…
Civil disobedience organized by women in Quebec to protest low-altitude flights by NATO over the Innu territory of Nitassinan.
“Where Have All The Flowers Gone”, sang Marlene Dietrich. Jack Kerouac and the rebellious Beat Generation have long permeated California.…
Carte blanche du 40e anniversaire du Festival du nouveau cinéma (Montréal).
Adoland Gaspésie, c’est un Road trip estival autour de la péninsule gaspésienne. L’artiste Caroline Hayeur et son fils Victor vont…
A primal and sensual dance is performed by a burlesque artist on stage to the delight of a blood thirsty…
Using the sound archives of legendary Canadian animator, Norman McLaren, this animated short recreates a unique portrait of the artist.…
Nos désastres is a video poem directed, written, and narrated by nixe – Monica Emond. With the collaboration of Nadia…
An Arab woman makes the journey from Montreal to New York to visit Ground Zero (the twin towers).
Le voyage sous le thème générique de l’exploration du territoire se scinde en une dizaine de micro-récits poétiques adaptés aux…
Calutron is an experimental short film about humanimality of nuclear guinea pigs in the US Army. Archival film. Music composed…
Coup de gueule sur les motivations derrière la guerre en Irak.
C’est la Fête des Pères. J’attends le métro. Je suis là, debout comme tout le monde, quand tout à coup…
Inspiré du manifeste d’Émile Zola, J’accuse, est un manifeste du temps actuel. Cette œuvre fait partie d’une collection produit par…
Web Documentary on the fascinating world of sound, noise and silence as seen by captivating people in intimate portraits. Rich…
A photographic journey on the notion of home as a space of well-being with four Montreal teenagers. This interactive work,…
Female Genital Mutilation is practiced in 28 countries.
Vous qui lapidez les femmes. Vous brûlerez en Enfer.
A rant about the way the Charest government receives the messages expressed by citizens.