Réalisatrices Équitabless

Other films in the same categories :

La rivière sans repos

Visionnement du film Bande annonce

  • Fiction
  • Drame
  • 98 min
  • Inuktitut, francais, s.-t. français
  • 2019

Kuujjuaq, Nunavik in the 1940s. Surprised by the loss of her innocence, the young Inuk Elsa draws her courage from her difficult land to become a woman as strong and independent as the river that crosses the territory. Moving between the norms set by the colonizers, the living reality of her own family, the quality of a relationship that is not right for her, and the revolt of her teenage son, Elsa’s destiny follows the windy course of the indomitable river that accompanies each stage of his life. Adapted from the novel “The Restless River” by Gabrielle Roy.

s.-t. anglais: Restless River Bande annonce

Directed by :

Distribution : Isuma Distribution

Diffusion : Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (FNC)

Production : Arnait Video Productions

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