Dames du DOC

Must See: Contemporary Women Filmmakers: The State of Things

A documentairy by Guylaine Dionne and Rosanna Maule

The documentary Contemporary Women Filmmakers : The State of Things (2018) by Guylaine Dionne and Rosanna Maule is now available online for free!

Dive into the journey of women directors from several countries who tell the reality of their profession. Just like the directors here, they face discrimination and systemic obstacles that affect the practice of their craft.

An excellent film to discover the struggle of women filmmakers and to sensitize a large audience to the same cause as that of Réalisatrices Équitables!

Contemporary Women Filmmakers : The State of Things
documentary, 164 min, english, 2018 Visionnement gratuit du film Bande annonce


Concerned with recent debates on the discrimination of women in the film industry, this documentary raises questions, while offering a voice to women and their cinema.

The film features conversations with well-known women directors, including Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, Mira Nair, Margarethe Von Trotta, Ulrike Ottinger, Micheline Lanctôt, Rakshnan Bani-Etemad and María Novaro, as well as the stories of women directors who are less visible to the general public.

Joining the filmmakers are the voices and comments of producers, film specialists and archivists through whom our images are meticulously preserved.

Les réalisatrices contemporaine: l’état des choses
documentaire, 164 min, français, 2018 Visionnement gratuit du film Bande annonce


Tout droit au cœur des récents débats sur la discrimination des femmes dans l’industrie cinématographique, ce documentaire soulève des questions, tout en offrant un droit de parole aux femmes et à leur cinéma.

Le film propose des conversations avec des réalisatrices connues – entre autres Catherine Breillat, Claire Denis, Mira Nair, Margarethe Von Trotta, Ulrike Ottinger, Micheline Lanctôt, Rakshnan Bani-Etemad, María Novaro, mais aussi les témoignages de réalisatrices moins visibles du grand public.

Viennent se joindre aux cinéastes les voix et les commentaires de producteurs, de spécialistes du cinéma et des archivistes grâce à qui nos images sont minutieusement préservées.

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