One Divided by Two: Kids and Divorce

- Documentaire, Animation
- 24 min
- anglais
- 1997
Danny’s parents’ divorce sparked nightmares of being abandoned by his mom. Adrianne was relieved because her parents stopped fighting. Lauren felt guilty, thinking she may have caused her parents’ separation. Jeffrey wished his parents could get back together. Annie was angry that her step-dad imposed so many household rules.
One Divided By Two focuses on 13 young people (aged 8 to 18) whose parents have divorced. The video brings an original approach to the subject: animation takes over where live footage stops, moving beyond it – describing the heightened feelings, hopes and memories.
Un Divisé par Deux: les Enfants et le Divorce

Réalisé par :
Prix et distinctions : Best Animation, Santa Barbara International Film Festival, California, 1998
Bronze, Houston International Film Festival, Texas, 1998
Bronze, Columbus International Film Festival, Ohio, 1998
Best Educational Film, Association of Media and Technology in Education, Canada, 1999
Panasonic Communications Award, Canada, 1999
Distribution :