Réalisatrices Équitabless

Other films in the same categories :

Bleue Brume

  • Fiction
  • Science fiction
  • 27 min
  • français
  • 1982

Every morning, Bleue Brume returns home, after a night on the time. Her twilight existence is divided between the Unemployment Office and her tiny apartment where she paints and deafens herself to punk-rock music. But the State is watching. One day she learns that she will have to procreate for Him. In this way she will be able to return to the active society. A throw of the dice lands Bleue Brume in the State Maternity Hospital.

Directed by :

Diffusion : Beaux Dimanches, Radio-Canada 23 janvier 1983 - 5e Festival international des films de femmes, Sceaux, France, 1983 - Festival de Saint Étienne, France, 1983 - Génie Awards (A.C.C.) Toronto, Canada, 1983 - Harbour Front Film festival, Toronto, Canada, 1983 - Festival des films du monde, Montréal, 1982

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