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3 True Stories

Since April 2015, over 60 women filmmakers have presented their films at our Film Club events. We asked each of them to tell us «3 true stories» about their practice as directors. The result? A collection of often hilarious, always moving stories. These anecdotes have been filmed and placed online for your viewing pleasure. The entire collection is presented here and will grow over time, since our Film Club continues its much appreciated events in the ARRQ’s screening room! A warm welcome to all!

3 True Stories by Ève LamontVimeo

3 True Stories by Ève Lamont

La réalisatrice Ève Lamont partage «3 histoires vraies» avant la projection de son film Squat! (2002), lors du Ciné-club LES DAMES DU DOC le 11 juin 2015.

LENGTH : 19:03
3 True Stories by Céline BarilVimeo

3 True Stories by Céline Baril

La réalisatrice Céline Baril partage «3 histoires vraies» avant la projection de son film La théorie du tout (2010) lors du Ciné-club LES DAMES DU DOC le 10 septembre 2015.

LENGTH : 16:37
3 True Stories by Anne Claire PoirierVimeo

3 True Stories by Anne Claire Poirier

La réalisatrice Anne Claire Poirier partage «3 histoires vraies» avant la projection de son film Les filles du Roy (1974) lors du premier Ciné-club LES DAMES DU DOC le 16 avril 2015.

LENGTH : 29:28
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