Leila Khalilzadeh
Online cinema
Mahiye sorkh shodeh (The Fried Fish)
- Animation
- 11 min
- Persan
- 2014
- Fiction
- Drame
- 16 min
- français
- 2023
Lorsqu’une immigrante iranienne récemment arrivée à Montréal reprend son ancien métier d’esthéticienne, son mari est confronté au défi de s’adapter à l’évolution des rôles dévolus aux hommes et aux femmes. Main theme: Femmes, Secondary theme(s): Enfant-famille, Luttes sociales, Société.Prix : Nomination Meilleur réalisation, YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Nomination Meilleure actrice, YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Nomination Meilleur film dramatique, YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Diffusion : YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Otherwise Film Festival, University of San Diego, San Diego - États-Unis
Reykjavik International Film Festival - Islande -
Nazdik be Marg (Near to Death)
- Documentaire, Animation
- 31 min
- Persan
- 2016
Il existe des témoignages de personnes qui meurent à la suite d’accidents, commotion cérébrale, crise cardiaque, etc., et qui reviennent à la vie après un certain temps. Ce phénomène s’appelle… Main theme: Psychologie,Diffusion : International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao (ZINEBI), 2018 - Roshd International Film Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2016 -
Mahiye sorkh shodeh (The Fried Fish)
- Animation
- 11 min
- Persan
- 2014
Un poisson souhaite retourner à la mer après avoir été frit. Cependant avant d’arriver à destination, il doit fermer les yeux sur certains aspects importants de sa vie. Main theme: Voyage, Secondary theme(s): Environnement.Prix : 2nd Prize, Farhang Foundation Short Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA, 2019
2nd Best Film from Asia, International Student Animation Festival of Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil, 2017
Best Animation Film, International Film Festival of Prayag, Allahabad, India, 2016
Honorary Diploma, Tehran International Animation Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2015
Honorary Diploma, Roshd International Film Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2014
Distribution : DEFC
Diffusion : Berlin International Film Festival, Berlin, Germany, 2015 - Festival du nouveau cinéma, Montréal, Canada, 2014 - Show me shorts Film Festival, Auckland city, New Zealand, 2020 - Tehran International Animation Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2015 - International Documentary and short Film Festival of Kerala, India, 2015 -
Yek Nafar Mibafad (Someone Is Weaving)
- Documentaire
- 21 min
- Persan
- 2014
Dans le village de Nashalj en Iran, Gohar Andalib raconte sa vie: l’enfance, la pauvreté, la jeunesse, l’échec de l’amour, le mariage et la mort de son mari. Elle a… Main theme: Art et culture, Secondary theme(s): Femmes, Vieillesse.Prix : Nominated for the best director of a short documentary, Ceremony of Iranian Cinema, Tehran, Iran, 2014
Diffusion : - Ambacht In Beeld Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2018 - ReFrame Peterborough International Film Festival, Peterborough, Canada, 2017 -
Baghe Hezar Dokhtaroon (The Garden of a Thousand Girls)
- Animation
- 14 min
- Persan
- 2013
Grand-mère et sa petite-fille vivent heureuses ensemble dans une petite maison. Un jour, la petite fille, ensorcelée par une lumière bleue, descend dans puit de leur cuisine et se perd.… Main theme: Enfant-famille, Secondary theme(s): Voyage.Distribution : Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults
Diffusion : Iranian Animation Night, Lund, Sweden, 2015 - Tehran International Short Film Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2013 - Isfahan International Children Film Festival, Isfahan, Iran, 2013 - Roshd International Film Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2013 - Tehran International Animation Festival, Tehran, Iran, 2013
Leila Khalilzadeh is an Iranian filmmaker based in Montreal. She has directed, written, and produced short fiction, animation, and documentary films. Her films have been showcased at many film festivals and academic and cultural venues around the world, including Berlinale, FNC, ZINEBI, and UCLA. A Berlinale Talents 2021 alumna, Leila holds an MA in cinema from the University of Art, Tehran, Iran. She is currently completing her MFA in Film Production at Concordia University and writing her first feature film.
AREAS OF ACTIVITY- Documentaire, Fiction, Animation
- Court métrage, Moyen métrage
- Film, Télévision
[email protected]