Serpent’s Lullaby

- Fiction
- Fantastique
- 61 min
- anglais
- 2014
Few people know the name of the eccentric woman living in the centuries-old mansion just outside of town. Even fewer have seen her face. But everyone has heard the stories. Rumors of a secret garden in her backyard where her children are buried. Some think she is simply a grieving widowed mother seeking solitude. Others believe she’s a cold-blooded monster. When the empty baby’s crib in her home and her lost love become too much for her to bear she makes a decision that will change the course of her story.
Directed by :
Diffusion : Cannes Film Festival "Coup de coeur", Fantasia, Hollyshorts, Oaxaca Filmfest, Rhode Island Int'l Film Festival
Winner of a dozen awards and selected in over 50 film festivals.