Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Le Mythe de la Femme noire

Visionnement du film Bande annonce

  • Documentaire
  • 94 min
  • français, anglais, s.-t. français
  • 2022

The Myth of the Black Woman is a feature-length documentary that investigates the image of black women in society, from the hypersexual Jezebel to the lovable Nanny to the sassy “Bitch.” Experts say the Black community is the minority most affected by images created centuries ago. Black women, acclaimed leaders in their fields, tell of the challenges these representations of them bring to their lives. Their compelling stories are supported by compelling, never-before-seen archival footage from centuries past to the present.

This hard-hitting film was also a favorite for many of us. It is sad, however, to still see the need for a film that reports on a reality that should no longer exist. Relevant, dynamic and daring, this film gives voice, without compromise. Its classic and very effective form seduces by its asserted speech, the sensual beauty of the images, the intelligence of the testimonies and the delicacy of its musical framework. A powerful tool for popular education and mobilization.

s.-t. anglais: The Myth of the Black Woman Visionnement du film Bande annonce

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Prix Magnus-Isacsson - Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal (RIDM)

Distribution : K-Films Amérique

Diffusion : Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal (RIDM)

Production : Produit par Bel Ange Moon Productions de Bianca Bellange et Ayana O'Shun

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