Le futur proche

- Fiction
- Drame
- 18 min
- français
- 2012
While at work, Robin, a French immigrant pilot, receives a phone call that sends shock waves through his soul. Unseen by others, turmoil seeps into his inner world and echoes in his daily life. He will have to let this pain in, but not now. An impressionistic depiction of an all-but-ordinary day, “The near future” takes us to the poetic boundary between droning engines and complete silence, aerial and terrestrial, pastoral and urban, man and machine, life and death.
Directed by :
Awards and recognition : Grand Prix National au Festival Regard sur le Court
Grand Prix du Jury au Festival Breakthroughs
Prix des Critiques au Gala Prends Ça Çourt
Prix Ottoblix au Gala Prends Ça Court
Prix Air Canada au Gala Prends Ça Court
Prix du Meilleur Court Métrage au Festival Fantasia
Distribution : Vidéographe
Diffusion : Festival International de Sundance (États-Unis) - TIFF Toronto International Festival (Canada) - Reykjavik International Film Festival (Islande) - Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (Canada) - Festival International Badalona (Espagne)