L’autre côté de novembre

- Fiction
- Drame
- 85 min
- français
- 2016
“Léa/Leyla are two women who, having worked hard all their lives, are confronted with the choices that shaped their existence and question themselves about what trace they will leave behind. Léa is a single neurosurgeon resident in Quebec. Leyla is a seamstress and mother who lives in a remote village in Lebanon. Memory disorders force them to question themselves. They are both attracted by the past, returning to those choices of life that mark us forever. What if one of these women had not left her country of origin to immigrate to Canada? What if Lea and Leyla were one and the same person?”
Directed by :
Distribution : K-Films Amérique
Diffusion : Festival du nouveau cinéma - Festival International de Windsor - Festival international de l'Outaouais - Festival International de Beyrouth - Super-écran - Etc.