La mer entre nous

- Documentaire
- 102 min
- arabe, s.-t. français
- 2019
The Sea Between Us transports us to the city of Beirut in Lebanon, 25 years after the end of a bloody civil war and into the lives of two strong and charismatic women, Hayat & Wafaa. With children of their own, they must now face the challenging task of passing on the civil war’s violent legacy onto a new generation. The film puts a human face on the impact of sectarian division, nationalism and intolerance and shows that hope for peaceful coexistence is cross cultural, universal and part of the human experience. Through the intimate stories and memories of these two protagonists of different backgrounds, we understand why Beirut’s neighbourhoods still feel walled in by invisible boundaries and why achieving forgiveness and reconciliation is so complex in a country that is still broken over religious and political ideology.
s.-t. anglais:
The Sea Between Us
Directed by :
Distribution : Diffusion Multi-Monde
Diffusion : Festival international du film documentaire d'Amsterdam (IDFA), Amsterdam - Pays-Bas,
Rencontres Internationales du Documentaires de Montréal (RIDM), Montréal - Canada
DOK.fest - Festival international du film documentaire de Munich, Munich - Allemagne
Millennium Docs Against Gravity, Varsovie - Pologne
Festival international de cinéma Visions du Réel, Nyons - France
Production : Fauve Film