Je m’appelle humain

- Documentaire
- 77 min
- français
- 2020
When elders leave us, a link to the past vanishes along with them. Innu writer Joséphine Bacon exemplifies a generation that is bearing witness to a time that will soon have passed away. With charm and diplomacy, she leads a charge against the loss of a language, a culture, and its traditions. On the trail of Papakassik, the master of the caribou, Call Me Human proposes a foray into a people’s multi-millennial history in company with a woman of great spirit who has devoted her life to passing on her knowledge and that of her ancestors.
Directed by :
Awards and recognition : Meilleure émission ou série documentaire, Meilleure réalisation, Meilleur son et meilleure musique originale - Prix Gémeaux
Prix collégial (ex aequo) & Mention Spéciale Grand Prix Compétition – Long métrage 2020 - Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec (FCVQ)
Meilleur documentaire canadien - Festival international du film de Vancouver (VIFF)
Meilleur documentaire canadien & Prix du Public - Festival international du film de Calgary (CIFF)
Prix du Public - Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival
Prix Visages de la francophonie TV5 - Festival Cinémania
Prix collégial du Cinéma québécois (PCCQ)
Distribution : Maison 4:3, Les Alchimistes, Women Make Movies
Diffusion : Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec (FCVQ)
Festival international du film de Vancouver (VIFF)
Festival international du film de Calgary (CIFF)
Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival
Festival Cinémania
Production : ARTV, Radio-Canada