
- Fiction
- Indépendant
- 14 min
- français
- 2008
They have nothing in common but a peculiar fantasy. And tonight, they meet for the first time.
Directed by :
Awards and recognition : Prix hommage du jury: Fantasia International Films Festival 2009 (Montréal)
Meilleur film : Festival Vitesse-Lumière 2010 (Québec)
Distribution : Distribution Select et Izabel Grondin
Diffusion : • Sydney Underground Film Festival, 2010 (Australie) - South African Horrorfest Film Festival, 2010 (Cape Town) - Cinekink Festival, 2010 ( New-York) - Shriekfest, 2009 (Californie) - Fantasia International Film Festival ,2009 (Québec)