Réalisatrices Équitabless

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  • Documentaire
  • 52 min
  • 53 sec
  • français
  • 2023

Being an artist, a woman, an actress, and… pregnant, is it good or bad news? A tricky question because the number of atypical workers is constantly growing these days. The answer to this question bears witness to a precarious reality that is brought to light in this film documentary. The actresses and artists are a starting point to talk about women’s place and maternity in today’s world.

v. anglaise: Hide this belly that I dare not see

Directed by :

Distribution : H264 Agrégation

Diffusion : Télé-Québec diffusion 6 mars 2024. Site web.
Film Friend
AppleTV, à partir du 07 mars 2024

Production : Lauretta productions

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