Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Visionnement du film Bande annonce

  • Documentaire
  • 8 min
  • français
  • 2020

Amato is about the diversity of polyamorous models in the Quebec landscape. Three unique and interrelated stories are staged through performing arts.

v. anglaise: Amato

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Prix de la relève Main Film, Montréal - Canada

Distribution : Spira

Diffusion : Festival Regard, Saguenay - Canada
Reelout Queer Film Festival, Kingston - Canada
Scottish Queer International Film Festival (SQUIFF), Glasgow - Scotland
Blue Danube Film Festival - Vienne (Italie), Budapest (Hongrie) et Bratislava (Slovaquie)
Mix Brasil Festival of Diversity - Internet

Production : La course des régions pancanadienne

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