Dounia: Le grand pays blanc

- Animation
- 51 min
- français
- 2025
After Dounia and the Princess of Aleppo, the adventures of Dounia, a little starry-haired girl, continue in her adopted country: Canada. Surrounded by her grandparents and her friend Rosalie, she faces new challenges: the bitter cold of winter and a new, hitherto unknown culture. More than ever, Dounia is convinced that her heartbeat will guide her father’s return…
v. anglaise:
Dounia: The Great White North
Directed by :
Distribution : Haut et Court
Diffusion : Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, Montréal - Canada
Festival de cinéma de la ville de Québec, Québec - Canada
Anima - Le Festival international du film d’animation de Bruxelles, Bruxelles - Belgique
Le festival de La Biolle - Cinéma et ruralité - France
New York International Children's Film Festival, New York - États-Unis
Festival international du film de Marrakech, Marrakech - Maroc
Hong Kong Kids International Film, Hong Kong - Chine
Festival Scope - Internet
Production : Haut et Court