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Feminista: un voyage au cœur du féminisme en Europe

Visionnement du film Bande annonce

  • Documentaire
  • 60 min
  • français, anglais, espagnol, italien, portugais, s.-t. français
  • 2017

Feminista is a feminist road movie, a journey to the heart of global feminism. In 2015, Myriam Fougere joined a group of young activists who had formed a caravan to travel across twenty European countries – from Turkey to Portugal, by the way of the Balkans, to Italy, Spain and Portugal. As a breath of solidarity, Feminista provides a rare glimpse into a widespread feminist groundswell movement, possibly one of the largest, least understood and unrecognized mass political movements that is very much alive throughout the world today.

s.-t. italien: Feminista: un viaggio nel cuore del femminismo in Europa Visionnement du film

s.-t. espagnol: Feminista: un viaje al corazón del feminismo en Europa Visionnement du film

s.-t. anglais: Feminista: A Journey to the Heart of Feminism in Europe Visionnement du film Bande annonce

Directed by :

Distribution : GIV - Groupe Intervention Vidéo

Diffusion : Milwaukee Women's film Festival - États-Unis
Cineffable, Festival international du film lesbien et féministe de Paris - France
Q Flix Worcester, Massachusetts - États-unis
Roma cinema doc, Rome - Italie
Mix Milano - Italie
Florence Queer Festival - Italie
Festival International de cine LGBT de Madrid - Espagne
Vox Femina Film Festival, Zagreb - Croatie

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