Réalisatrices Équitabless

Zaynê Akyol

Online cinema


  • ROJEK Visionnement du film Bande annonce

    • Documentaire
    • 127 min
    • anglais, allemand, arabe, kurde, s.-t. français
    • 2022
    ROJEK va à la rencontre de membres incarcérés de l’État islamique, et de leurs femmes détenues dans des camps-prisons, provenant des quatre coins de la planète et partageant un idéal… Main theme: Guerre-conflit, Secondary theme(s): Politique, Religion.
    Prix : Canada's representative in the race for the Oscar® for Best International Film 2024
    DGC Special Jury Prize - Canadian Feature Documentary, Hot Docs 2022 - Canada
    Prizes at the Gimli Film Festival - Canada
    Best Documentary at the Vallodolid International Film Festival - Espagne
    The Testimonies Award at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival - République tchèque
    The Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival - Arménie
    RomeMed Film Festival - Italie

    Distribution : Maison 4:3 (Canada) / AndanaFilms (international)
    Diffusion : Hot Docs, Toronto - Canada
  • Gulîstan, terre de roses Visionnement du film Bande annonce

    • Documentaire
    • 86 min
    • français
    • 2016
    Dans les montagnes et le désert du Kurdistan, les guérilleras kurdes du Parti des travailleurs kurdes (PKK) nous dévoilent leur quotidien. Ces femmes révolutionnaires combattant Daech (l’État islamique) nous révèlent,… Main theme: Guerre-conflit, Secondary theme(s): Femmes, Politique.
    Prix : Prix du jury, Lake Como film festival, Côme, juillet 2017
    Prix meilleur direction de la photographie (film documentaire), Gala Québec cinéma, Montréal, juin 2017
    Prix du jury, Trento film festival, Trento, mai 2017
    Prix du jury et Prix Circolo Amerindiano, Diritti a Todi, Human Rights International Film Festival, Todi, janvier 2017
    Meilleur espoir Québec/Canada, Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM), Montréal, novembre 2016
    Premier prix (catégorie Time of History), Festival international de Valladolid, Valladolid, octobre 2016
    Meilleur film et film d’ouverture, Festival du film de Milan, Milan, septembre 2016
    Meilleur documentaire kurde, Duhok International Film Festival, Duhok, septembre 2016
    Prix Spirit, EBS International Documentary Festival, Séoul, août 2016
    Prix du public, EBS International Documentary Festival, Séoul, août 2016
    Prix de la sélection Doc Alliance, Festival international du film de Locarno, Locarno, août 2016

    Distribution : Office national du film du Canada (ONF)


A graduate of UQÀM’s School of Media, Zaynê Akyol won the Best Emerging Documentary Filmmaker Award presented by the René-Malo Chair, associated with the National Film Board of Canada. She is also completing a Master’s degree in Communications, with a specialization in cinema, focusing her research on relational and creative issues in documentary film.

Juggling theory and practice, it was in 2016 that Zaynê directed her first feature-length documentary, Gulistan, Land of Roses, which portrays Kurdish women fighters in the war against Daech (the Islamic State). This personal work was noticed by several international festivals and garnered over 80 selections, 50 nominations and 12 awards, including the prestigious Doc Alliance Award at the Locarno Festival.
Her interest in images and politics also led her to photography. Her first widely circulated exhibition, Rojekê, one day (2016), tells the story of resistance through the faces of women.

ROJEK, his second feature film set in Kurdish territory, premiered at the Visions du Réel 2022 film festival in Nyon, Switzerland. It has been screened at festivals around the world, including the Special Jury Prize at the Hot Docs 2022 Canadian International Film Festival.

To make this film based on conversations with Islamic State members in captivity in Syria and elsewhere, she had to deploy all her negotiating skills. Not just anyone can enter these militarized zones!
Full of courage and determination, Zaynê says she wants to be a source of inspiration for young filmmakers, especially Middle Eastern women, so that they can realize their dreams and leave their mark on society.

Released in Quebec theaters in January 2023, ROJEK was chosen in August by a pan-Canadian jury to represent Canada in the Oscar race for Best International Film. To be continued in 2024…!

  • Documentaire
  • Long métrage
  • Film

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