Réalisatrices Équitabless

Jacinthe Moffatt

© Jacinthe Moffatt
© Production Cinta

Online cinema


  • Rendre justice Visionnement gratuit du film

    • Documentaire
    • 11 min
    • français
    • 2021
    L’honorable Juanita Westmoleland-Traoré est la première personne noire à être nommée juge à la Cour du Québec en 1999. Venez découvrir son parcours inspirant et sa vision de la diversité… Main theme: Femmes, Secondary theme(s): Immigration, Luttes sociales.
    Distribution : Production Cinta
    Diffusion : Festival du film black de Montréal


Jacinthe Moffatt decided to go back to school after observing the people she worked with for over ten years as a community worker for local and international organizations. Her new diploma in television and film production encouraged her to return to the video industry, where she had started her professional career.

Since the end of her studies, she has successfully completed several contracts in directing, shooting and editing documentary and fiction projects. Entrepreneurial at heart, and noticing the many opportunities for contracts and collaborations, she decided to launch her own audiovisual production company: Les Productions Cinta. Thanks to this company, she is able to combine her experience in intervention, her sensitivity towards social issues, her professional contacts, her expertise in audiovisual creation and her interest in new technologies.

Date of birth : 20 June 1980

  • Documentaire, Expérimental, Documentaire audio, Interactif
  • Court métrage, Interactif
  • Film, Web

[email protected]


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