Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Turn Off Before Living

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  • Fiction
  • Drame
  • 10 min
  • français
  • 2014

Paul, on a trip to Havana, is experiencing difficulty keeping a smile on his troubled face. He meets Agnela, a young local working girl, whose job it is to please with a practiced smile of her own. No matter, how close they get or how hard they try to soothe their broken souls, their attempts remains vain. They are too busy disconnecting themselves from hidden, unwanted emotions to achieve a true much needed human contact.

s.-t. anglais: Turn Off Before Living Bande annonce

Directed by :

Distribution : Travelling Distribution

Diffusion : Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC), Montréal - Canada
Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma (RVQC), Montréal - Canada
Dresden International Film Festival, Dresden - Allemagne
Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay, Saguenay - Canada
Columbia Gorge International Film Festival, Portland - États-Unis

Production : Les Films 1976

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