Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Suzanne et Chantal

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  • Fiction
  • Comédie
  • 18 min
  • français
  • 2022

This morning, Chantal (60 years old) comes to pick up Susan (92 years old) by car. Susan seems more nervous than usual. Chantal attributes her behavior to her health concerns and the exam she has to take at the hospital in the afternoon. First, they have to go to the hair salon where Chantal works. When she arrives at the salon, Chantal is intercepted by her boss who asks her to give him what she owes him. But this week, she has no money for him… This week, she has a surprise for him.

Suzanne et Chantal is a film about friendship, solidarity and the strength of life.

Directed by :

Distribution : Les Films Opale

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