Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Summer with Hope

Bande annonce

  • Fiction
  • Drame
  • 100 sec
  • perse, s.-t. anglais
  • 2022

As an apprentice swimmer, Omid (whose first name means “hope” in Persian), his mother Leili and his uncle Saadi have each placed all their hopes for the future on the young man’s participation in a swimming competition. But as the days and hours leading up to the deadline tick by, the consequences of a possible failure become more and more tangible to them – and weigh heavily on Omid’s shoulders, who refuses to bear such a responsibility. As their community jealously erodes their family facade, looking for any weakness, the family itself begins to crumble like sand in the face of the rising tide.

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Grand Prix, Globe de Crystal pour le meilleur long métrage, Festival international du film de Karlovy Vary - République tchèque

Diffusion : Cinémathèque québécoise
Festival international du film de Karlovy Vary - République tchèque

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