Réalisatrices Équitabless

Other films in the same categories :

Sidings of the Afternoon

  • Expérimental, Film d'art / danse
  • anglais
  • 2021

Follow my train of thought, my shifting perception of the space around me, my fleeting relationships with nature and my urban cell. Seasons passing by while I stare at the same three objects in my house. What is outside, what will we find when we emerge? How will we move on when our toxic relationship with a virus that paralyzed our urban bodies end? Scathed or unscathed? Dreams, algae, shadows, flowers and knives.

What can a filmmaker do when they are locked in during a pandemic? They make a film using a computer. With the participation of game scholars and academics from the Technoculture, Art and Games Research Centre, a town was built in Minecraft following the principles of Bauhaus. Just like the designers and artists of Bauhaus, we also need to rethink the way we use spaces, objects, cities. Beyond thinking about medical safety, as humans we need spaces that expand beyond our bodies’ physical circumference. Just like the light-shadow structures built by Moholy-Nagy, our inner worlds are bigger than the space our bodies take up. In Siding of the Afternoon, optimism for our future takes shape in a metaphor of see-through spaces and overlays, echoing the way our apartments expanded through videoconference windows connecting to and merging with other spaces all cross the world.

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Critics’ Choice Award at the Milan Machinima Film Festival - Italie

Diffusion : VASTLAB Experimental, Los Angeles - États-Unis
Milan Machinima Film Festival - Italie
International Cosmopolitan Film Festival, Tokyo - Japon