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Raymond Klibansky – De la philosophie à la vie

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  • Documentaire
  • 52 min
  • français
  • 2002

The film light on the exceptional life of Raymond Klibansky, his uncommon destiny and his path to humanity. As a German Jewish philosopher of action, he lived in times of upheaval, war and hate. Young man, he moved in the circles of Karl Jaspers, Erwin Panofsky, Marianne Weber, and Albert Einstein. He made his mark as a historian of ideas and a philosopher, his work was known around the world. Then came the Nazi lie, which he condemned and fought.He was Chief Intelligence Officer in the Secret Service during World War Two. He move to Montreal in 1946 to promote tolerance and fight for freedom.

s.-t. anglais: Raymond Klibansky: From Philosophy to Life Visionnement gratuit du film

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Prix de la meilleure œuvre canadienne au 22 e Festival international du film sur l’art, 2002

Distribution : Office national du film du Canada (ONF)

Diffusion : Télédiffusé à Télé-Québec et en France, il a aussi été présenté en salle à Montréal, Paris, New York et Washington.

Production : Office national du film du Canada (ONF)