Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Bande annonce

  • Expérimental
  • 7 min
  • français
  • 2023

The word opaline evokes a delicate, milky-white glass object, reflecting the theme of this experimental short film: the precious but fragile period of childhood. In this visual poem, the child trapped in the maelstrom of family becomes the living archive of unspeakable violence. The images were first captured with a camera, then filmed in Super 8 and hand painted. The colour streaming through the film restores movement to days frozen and steeped in anxiety.

Directed by :

Distribution : Groupe Intervention Vidéo

Diffusion : Rencontres Internationales Traverse (Toulouse, France)
Vidéos de Femmes dans le Parc, G.I.V (Montréal, Canada)

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