Réalisatrices Équitabless

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  • Fiction
  • Drame
  • 14 min
  • anglais, vietnamien, sous-titres anglais
  • 2022

na·nit·ic / adjective: The first brood of worker ants produced by a queen ant using only the reserved nutrition in her body. Nanitics shoulder the initial fate of the colony and are often underfed due to the conditions in colony building. Thus, nanitics may be smaller in size from later workers ants to optimize the survival of the group… But what happens to the colony when the queen dies? Had the nanitics done enough?

9 year-old Trang starts to shift out of oblivion as her aunt Ut tends to Grandma, who lies in her deathbed in the living room. How can a single body occupy so much space? What will happen when Grandma is gone?

Directed by :

Diffusion : Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC) - Canada
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) - Canada
Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) - Canada
Berlin International Film Festival - Generation Kplus Official Selection - Allemagne

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