Mohawk Girls

- Fiction
- Comédie
- series
- 32 épisodes de 22 min
- français
- 2010
The award-winning hit dramatic comedy series follows four young women figuring out how to be Mohawk in the 21st century. And, of course, trying to find love. But in a small world where you or your friends have dated everyone on the rez, or the hot new guy turns out to be your cousin, it ain’t that simple. Torn between family pressure, tradition, obligation and the intoxicating freedom of the “outside world,” this fabulous foursome is on a mission to find happiness… And to find themselves.
v. française:
Belles, fières et mohawks
Directed by :
Distribution : Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - CBC
Diffusion : Réseau de télévision des peuples autochtones (APTN ou RTPA) - Canada
GEM CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Canada
Production : Rezolution Pictures