Réalisatrices Équitabless

Other films in the same categories :

Les mots gelés

Bande annonce

  • Fiction
  • Drame
  • 75 min
  • français
  • 2010

Frozen Words is a moment in the life of Charles, a young man in his late twenties, who’s haunted by mental illness who assails his mother. Through his best friend Paul, his awkward father and his ambiguous friendship to an imaginary “Weatherwoman”, Charles desperately tries to find a certain balance but falls in a frozen state. Trying, as best he can, to push away this spectrum
increasingly pervasive, Charles refuses to become like her.

Directed by :

Distribution : K-Films

Diffusion : Cinéma Beaubien - Syracuse International Film Festival - Festival International du film de Dieppe (L’ouvre-boîte) - RVCQ

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