Réalisatrices Équitabless

Other films in the same categories :

Le soleil brille pour tout le monde mais les hommes préfèrent les blondes

Visionnement du film

  • Film d'art / danse
  • 7 min
  • 35 sec
  • français
  • 2008

The Festival du nouveau cinéma de Montréal (FNC) (37th edition) invited me to make these small video sequences in order to display them in the city: in a subway station, at the Grande Bibliothèque and at the FNC Lab. We had to respect the theme, which was cinema, and we didn’t have to put any sound on so as not to disturb people. They told me that we live in a world where there are too many images. So, of course, I added some. In collaboration with Vidéographe, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, and the Société de transport de Montréal.

Directed by :