Réalisatrices Équitabless

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L’après coup, la voix des Maliennes

Bande annonce

  • Documentaire
  • 101 min
  • français
  • 2019

In the aftermath of a 2102 military coup, jihadist factions occupy Northern Mali and still continue to destabilize the country. Malian women share their views on the crisis and solutions to the impasse. The film follows singer Khaira Arby, ” the Diva of Timbuktu”, forced into exile from her legendary city. Outspoken women from all walks of life join forces to advance their rights, now overshadowed by the gradual Islamization of secular society.

v. anglaise: After the Coup - Malina Women Speak

Directed by :

Erica Pomerance and Fatoumata Coulibaly
Portrait Érica Pomerance

Awards and recognition : Mention d'honneur, catégorie long-métrage, festival Imagine This Women's FIlm Festival, a New York - États-Unis

Distribution : Initiative Taling Dialo

Diffusion : Festival Vues d'Afrique, Montréal - Canada
Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO) - Burkina Faso
Red Lion, The South African International Film Festival - Afrique du Sud
festival films femmes Afrique de Dakar - Sénégal
Festival Ciné Invisible / Festval Solzialak, Bilbao - Espagne
Festival Imagine This Women's FIlm Festival, a New York - États-Unis

Production : Initative Taling Dialo - Québec, Med'Images - Mali

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