La tête contre le mur
- Documentaire
- 52 min
- français, anglais, hébreu, s.-t. français
- 2010
Their names are Lucia, Sergio, Michaela, Yael or Tamar. They are Israelis. But they also share a common dream: to see an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israeli forces. In front of Halima Elkhatabi’s camera, in the shadow of the West Bank separation wall, these dissident Israelis recount the real and symbolic violence they suffer every day. But they also reveal the collaboration between Israelis and Palestinians, and the determination that drives their unarmed struggle. Filled with hope, Head Against the Wall offers a unique perspective on the situation, far removed from the sensationalist images we are fed. Simply to believe that change is still possible.
Directed by :
Awards and recognition : Mention spéciale du jury, Prix Pierre-et-Yolande-Perrault, Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Montréal - Canada
Diffusion : Télé-Québec
Production : Eurêka! Productions