Réalisatrices Équitabless
Dames des vues

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La Palabra desenterrada (Le pays hanté)

  • Documentaire
  • 74 min
  • espagnol, maya chuj, s.-t. espagnol
  • 2001

In Guatemala, two destinies intersect on a return trip: Mateo Pablo, Mayan survivor of one of the many massacres perpetrated during the recent civil war, and Daniel Hernández-Salazar, Guatemalan artist and photographer whose work scrutinizes and denounces the consequences of violence. Traveling together to the highlands, they will visit the site once occupied by the Mayan community of Petanac. This is where Mateo’s life changed in 1982 when the Guatemalan army tortured and murdered his family and neighbors, leaving behind only a village in ashes, annihilated.Today, the memory lingers . In Mayan communities, survivors gather around pits dug by forensic teams. Archaeologists patiently unearth the missing, far from the usual treasures of ancient Mayan culture. The unearthed bones silently tell their own story of agony and terror.

s.-t. anglais: Haunted Land

s.-t. français: Le Pays hanté

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Prix Lanza de Siona Amaru, IV Festival de la Serpiente, Ecuador
Honorable Mention, Alucine, IV Toronto Latino Film and Video Festival
Award of Merit, Latin American Studies Association

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