Réalisatrices Équitabless

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intimités francophones d’eux

Bande annonce

  • Documentaire
  • 77 min
  • français
  • 2020

intimités francophones d’eux is a feature-length documentary that takes viewers on a journey to the heart of the territories of Canada (Yukon, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba) and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Sao Paulo), where the inhabitants of two countries meet and unite through the sharing of a language. Language enables us to transcend geographical and political borders, and enter into the linguistic intimacy of citizens. Language claims, Language uproots, Language conquers and appropriates. Speaking a language is a political act in itself.

Directed by :

Anne-Céline Genevois and Alex Lachapelle-Raymond

Production : Projet Ose