Réalisatrices Équitabless

Other films in the same categories :

Find Your Wild

Bande annonce

  • Fiction
  • Drame
  • 16 min
  • français
  • 2023

When a recently arrived Iranian immigrant in Montreal returns to her former profession as a beautician, her husband faces the challenge of adapting to a changing narrative around gender roles.

s.-t. anglais: Find Your Wild Bande annonce

Directed by :

Awards and recognition : Nomination Meilleur réalisation, YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Nomination Meilleure actrice, YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Nomination Meilleur film dramatique, YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada

Diffusion : YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival, Montréal - Canada
Otherwise Film Festival, University of San Diego, San Diego - États-Unis
Reykjavik International Film Festival - Islande

Production : Leila Khalilzadeh

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