Drei Atlas

- Fiction, Expérimental
- Drame
- 7 min
- français, allemand, créole, s.-t. français
- 2018
A maid is suspected of murdering her former employer. Questioned by the police, she will reveal the existence of a supernatural power.
Directed by :
Distribution : La Distributrice de Films
Diffusion : Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (FNC), Montréal - Canada
Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma (RVQC), Montréa - Canada
Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF), Vancouver - Canada
Port Moody Flm Festival, Vancouver - Canada
FilmFest Dresden, Dresden - Allemagne
Leiden Int Short Film Experience, Leyde - Pays-Bas
BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao - Espagne
Aguilar International Short Film Festival, Aguilar de Campoo - Espagne
Production : Cheminée II