Deux femmes en or

- Fiction
- Drame
- 100 min
- français
- 2025
Violette and Florence no longer understand what’s happening to them. Respectively on maternity leave and on sick leave, one is on edge, the other feels nothing. Both neighbors feel like failures: despite their careers and families, they’re not happy. Florence’s first infidelity is a revelation. What if happiness meant rebelling against our rigid performance society? In a context where having fun is far down on the list of priorities, sleeping with a delivery boy could be downright revolutionary. For Violette and Florence, it’s the breath of fresh air they’ve been hoping for.
Directed by :
Awards and recognition : Prix Spécial du Jury, section World Cinema Dramatic Competition, Festival du film de Sundance, Park City et Salt Lake City - États-Unis
Distribution : Maison 4:3
Diffusion : Rendez-Vous Québec Cinéma, Montréal - Canada
Festival du film de Sundance, Park City et Salt Lake City - États-Unis
Production : Amérique Film