Born in the Maelstrom

- Fiction
- Drame
- 28 min
- anglais
- 2017
Born in the Maelstrom is an impressionistic journey of a young biracial woman named Rebecca as she struggles to find her identity in a world shaped by her black mother’s painful past.
s.-t. français:
Born in the Maelstrom
Directed by :
Awards and recognition : Prix PRIM, Prends Ça Court!, Montréal - Canada
Prix FCTMN, Prends Ça Court!, Montréal - Canada
Distribution : Travelling Distribution
Diffusion : Les Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Montréal - Canada
Festival du Nouveau Cinéma (FNC), Montréal - Canada
Prends Ça Court!, Montréal - Canada
Regard - Festival international sur le court métrage, Saguenay - Canada
Festival Images en Vues, Iles-de-la-Madeleine - Canada
Victoria International Film Festival, Victoria - Canada
Projection En vol, Air Canada
Production : Art & Essai