Juliette Balthazard
Where Motion Has Not Yet Ceased (Там, де рух ще не припинився)
- Documentaire
- 17 min
- ukrainien, s.-t. anglais
- 2023
Prague, 2022 – Ayant trouvé refuge du conflit russo-ukrainien, deux femmes et leurs jeunes filles font face à l’attente et à l’espoir d’un retour imminent en Ukraine. En suspens dans… Main theme: Guerre-conflit, Secondary theme(s): Enfant-famille, Immigration.Prix : Prix Soirée de la Relève, Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) - Canada
Prix Coup de coeur étudiant & Prix Cinématographie - Cinéma sous les étoiles - Canada
Mention spéciale Meilleur documentaire, International Film Students Festival - Uruguay
Distribution : Shortcuts
Diffusion : Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) - Canada
Festival REGARD, Saguenay - Canada
Festival Traces de Vies, Clermont-Ferrand - France
Interfilm Berlin - International Short Film Festival Berlin - Allemagne
Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival (FIDBA) - Argentine
International Film Students Festival - Uruguay
Juliette Balthazard completed her studies at UQÀM with a bachelor’s degree in cinema (2019–2022). This versatility has allowed her to take on various creative roles. Her most recent cinematography work, Yvon / L’Éternel, was notably featured at the Rencontres internationales du documentaire à Montréal 2022. She is now focusing more on directing. Her first short documentary, Where Motion Has Not Yet Ceased, received the RIDM Emerging Talent Award. Her upcoming documentary, produced by COOP Vidéo de Montréal, has received development and production funding from the Canada Council for the Arts.
Juliette Balthazard explores a variety of social themes in her art, including exile and the challenges faced by women. Drawn to both fiction and documentary filmmaking, her empathetic approach and cinematic aesthetic bring a sensitive and socially conscious perspective to her projects.
AREAS OF ACTIVITY- Documentaire, Fiction
- Court métrage, Long métrage
- Film, Télévision
[email protected]