Réalisatrices Équitabless

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Opération Survie

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  • Documentaire
  • 46 min
  • français
  • 2010

Obstetrical fistula is a severe gynecological condition widespread among rural women in sub-Saharan Africa. Millions give birth far from a clinic. After undergoing excision and/or early marriage, they may suffer prolonged, obstructed labour and a stillborn child. Fistula renders thousands of women incontinent, social pariahs rejected by their partners and community. Dr. Danielle Perrault, general practitioner and globetrotter from Québec, travels to Mali to inquire.

v. anglaise: Operation Survival

Directed by :

Diffusion : Festival Vues d'Afrique
Canal Vie

Production : Studio Via le Monde : Danel Bertolino, Catherine Viau

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