La Pirouette
- Animation
- 9 min
- français
- 2002
If it’s true that we are what we eat, then we are having an identity crisis. An old woman has a simple relationship with her animals – she raises them, loves them, kills them and eats them. When she goes to town, her goat becomes an object of curiosity. The townspeople are disconcerted by the unexpected presence of this goat in their midst, then find themselves won over by the animal’s charming tricks. For the old woman, however, the goat is both companion and livelihood.
PirouetteDirected by :
Awards and recognition : États-Unis, Columbus Festival international du film et de la vidéo 2003 Mention d'honneur - catégorie: Éducation et information
Japon, Hiroshima. Festival international d'animation 2002 Prix spécial du Jury international
Distribution : Office national du film
Diffusion : Australie, Melbourne International Animation Festival 2003 - Brésil, Rio de Janeiro. Anima Mundi 2002 - Canada, Ottawa Festival international d'animation 2002 - Chine, Hong Kong Festival international du film 2003 - France, Clermont-Ferrand Festival international du court métrage Programmes enfants/écoles 2003